Sara & Gareth

August 8, 2023


The 8th day of the 8th month, a day also known as the Lion’s Gate, a day of opening to the spiritual. On this day we were invited to not only document but to partake in an extraordinary union of light and love between a Swedish girl and an Australian boy. Through the mystical forest of Tjörn and out on the stormy cliffs they went, floating 2 cm above ground, our couple bathed in the loving space of each other, preparing for the ceremony to unite them forever.


This was a wedding of its very own kind. The fact that the bride and groom went the whole day on their bare feet without a care in the world as the clouds squeezed every last drop to fall on the ground, is just about as much as can be said with words to describe these magnificent beings, what they give to each other and to the world around them.


Sara and Gareth, thank you for choosing us to be with you on this day. It was a day to remember, and friends to keep, forever.

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