Louise & Stephen

August 12, 2023


Sometimes we really get a chance to make a wedding film that explicitly highlights the concept of Agape, that Divine Love that both encompasses and transcends romance. When Louise first contacted us it was that name that caught her eye, which was very exciting for us and meant that we were allowed to emphasize it in this film. 


The Love between Louise & Stephen, the Love from their friends and family, the Love we have for our work, the Love the sun has for our earth and God’s Love… All one and the same Love.


Thank you Louise & Stephen for sharing and radiating that Divine Love all around you. It truly was a festive night like no other. We danced our way home with flowers still in our hair.

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* För ett lån på 50 000 kr med 0 % i kreditränta, med återbetalningstid 24 mån, administrativ avgift 45 kr/mån och uppläggningsavgift 695 kr blir den effektiva räntan 3,45 %. Totalt belopp att återbetala blir 51 775 kr, d.v.s. 2 157 kr/månad.